Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daily Schedule for 8/19/08


Religion: Preach My Gospel, Lesson 1: God is our Loving Father in Heaven
Bible History: The Ark of the Covenant
Music: Piano practice
Biography/American History: Leif the Lucky by Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
Read-a-loud: A Wrinkle in Time 1 chapter
Geography: Globe work regarding countries from Biography. Norway, Iceland, Scotland, Greenland and Newfoundland
Science: Started a Sea Monkeys kit and watched an Eyewitness 30min video on Mammals
Math: Lesson 1
Math Drill: Played Timing it Right (game about telling time) Suduko puzzle
Spelling: 2 spell drills
Handwriting: Lesson from A Reason for Handwritting, wrote a Bible verse out
Creative Writing: Oral book report that I typed into Good Reads for Leif the Lucky
Free Reading: Read out loud 4 chapters of Magic Tree House #1
Life Skills: Made canned soup (we have to start somewhere)
PE: Rode his bike to get the mail

Religion: Preach My Gospel, Lesson 1: God is our Loving Father in Heaven
Bible History: The Ark of the Covenant
Music: Recorder practice and voice lesson practice
Biography/American History: Leif the Lucky by Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
Read-a-loud: A Wrinkle in Time 1 chapter
Geography: Globe work regarding countries from Biography. Norway, Iceland, Scotland, Greenland and NewfoundlandScience:
Science: Started a Sea Monkeys kit
Math: Lesson 1
Math Drill: Played Timing it Right (game about telling time)
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Creative Writing: Blogging and Good Reads
Silent Reading: Read 1 hr Sing Down The Moon
Life Skills: Made raisin bread
PE: Walked to get the mail
Language Arts: Lesson on Verbs from Abeka's Language Arts book
Research: 30 min online research about hamsters


Fernandez Family said...

They are definitely learning a lot more than I did in grade school! It seemed like I remember coloring an awful lot in 3rd grade. Keep up the good work!

Rebecca said...

Good fo ryou. I plan on homeschooling Brock, as well. I'm kind of interested in the reasons some are in school and others aren't ...