Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Olivia's Creative Writing Partial Story

This morning when I came out of my bedroom to start making breakfast Olivia was busy at her laptop. I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was writing a story. I asked her what it was about and she said it was just a silly story and she was making it up as she went along. She said she was just writing it for fun. She did let me read it. I thought it was pretty good for that early in the morning. I talked her into letting me post it. It's far from complete but I thought there were some good things going on it it. Such as big words, descriptive sentences, and some creativity. I haven't edited it at all. I'm proud of her and I hope she keeps writing. I thought it was a perfect love of learner example...

It all began the morning that Hallie was born. The howling, the sorrow, the pain. Hallie had died only a few hours after she was born. Mother had been miserable since that day.

Loraine thought these things over. And tried to think of a way to help mother. The only things that she could do that were on the farm were: feeding the chickens, making breakfast, and so on. But she felt intent to help her mother. She knew that even little things helped and that I was her duty to help. “Can you come, milk the cow for me?”
Asked. Nadine
“I suppose so” She replied indignantly

As she milked Missy the family milk cow. She decided that after breakfast she would walk into town, and try to find a job. She hoped that this would be a benefit for her family.

With breakfast over, Loraine told her mother of her plans. Her mother replied. “Thank you” tears coming to her eyes.

She bustled into town and right as she got into town there was an earthquake! Loraine braced herself against a stone wall. As she watched, many people fell to the ground. Dying. Many went unconscious others fainted. Every one got hurt except for Loraine. She knew that this was a once in a lifetime chance. She went from person to person helping them stay alive, helping them breath and bandaging there wounds. She knew that if she helped them she would get paid and would have money, lots of money. But after she helped, all she got was kindness!

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