Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Daily Schedule for 10/07/08

Theology: Preach My Gospel, Lesson 4: Prayer and True to the Faith: Prayer
Bible History: David and Bathsheba
Friend Article: Read 3 articles
Biography/American History: Read 2 chapters in George Washington: Our First Leader from the Childhood of Famous Americans Series
Read-a-loud: 1 chapter in Prince Caspian
Literature: Read 7 fables in Fables of Leonardo daVinci translated by Bruno Nardini
Music: Practiced the song Books of the Book of Mormon
Geography: Read the chapter "Measuring Distances on Maps" from Young Students Learning Library
Science: Abeka's Observing Gods World: 2.2 Roots and Stems (1/2 of the lesson)Government: See family section
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.
Service: We are feeding grandpa's cat this week while he is gone.
PE: Over 1 hour jumping on the trampoline with the little boys and Hank

Music: Practiced the piano
Math: Lesson 29
Logic: Spent 30 min or so working on a 3-D dinosaur puzzle
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting/Phonics: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Reading: Read for 45 min in his McGuffy Second Reader and he finished it. He's worked hard on it and was very excited!
Life Skills: Top Ramien (important I know, he has to eat on his mission...)

Here's Jared with his little puzzle. It's very small and had lots of small pieces. It was a good exercise for him for two reasons. #1: Problem solving (there were no directions) he needs that and #2 Small hand eye coordination.

Music: Had a voice lesson (hi Janet : ) )
Math: Lesson 29
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Computers/Typing: Blogging and Good Reads
Free Reading: Read for over 2 hours. Finished Work and the Glory #2 and started Zia by Scott O'Dell

Writing: Wrote a review on Good Reads about Work and the Glory #2
Life Skills: Boxed Alfredo and dealing with disappointment. Her horse lesson for today was rescheduled and she was VERY disappointed!
PE: Bike Ride

Social: Had a friend over for 1 hour

Luke and Caleb
Spelling practice and 30 minutes silent reading

(For Scholar Parent example)
Read Walden for two hours
Wrote a Good Reads Report for it
Practiced the piano
Worked on a Sunday Lesson
Went on a walk

Finished the Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
Presented a speech for his "Communications" class at the local college

Watched part of the Presidential Debate and discussed them.
Read 4 chapters in Fablehaven
Scriptures: Matthew 18

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