Monday, February 16, 2009

02/16/09 (Mon): What a great day!

Mom School
Pray, Pledge and Song
Chapter 13 from Gospel Principles: The Priesthood
Bible History: The Second Coming
Friend Article
Biography/American History: 1 chapter from Abigail Adams: Girl of Colonial Days by Jean Brown Wagoner
Fables: Pecos Bill from American Tall Tales by Adrien Stoutenburg
Memorization: First 26 States of the USA.
Family History: Jane Griffiths (ggggrandmother from Martin/Wille Handcart Company)
Music: Alto, Treble and Bass Clefs from the Usborne Internet-Linked Music Theory For Beginners
Geography: Practiced the 7 continents. Map scales and key legends from Maps and Mapping by Kingfisher.
Science: Birds from the Kinfisher Science Encyclopedia.
Science Experiment: Day 1 about bean sprouting from our new Delta Science Kit.
Health: Food Pyramid and review of healthy lifestyles from Eat Well and Keep Moving by Lillian Cheung
Art: Painted some wood boards
Game: Played Linkity and Take Your Pick. These games focus on decision making, logic, and associations to name a few things.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Religion: 1 chapter from The Book of Mormon.
Music: Practiced her voice lesson. She was asked to sing another solo. She's actually singing for the Governor next week!!!
Science: Read through the science experiments for our four new Delta Science Kits. She thinks they are very cool! (and so do I!) And she read a lesson in a science textbook about plants.
Art: Painted on a canvas with oil paints.
Math: Lesson 100
Game: We played Flip together, which is a spelling game with Scrabble tiles.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Prepositional Phrases
Creative Writing: Worked on an essay on the My Access! website. She utilized a dictionary several times also.
Vocabulary: Peterson's Word of the Day- DORMANT
Business: Delivered all the Usborne books today with me.

Religion: Read a chapter from the New Testament Reader. (The Angel comes to Joseph).
Music: Practiced his piano lesson.
Math: Did a Singapore lesson: mental math addition and story problems
Spelling: Our spell drill our temporarily out of service (expect for Olivia) because of our switch of computers. We don't know why they won't work!!
Phonics/Handwriting: 7 pages of Explode the Code-finished a book.
Science: Read in a Magnet book and played with magnets.
Free Reading: Read 3 chapters from Eragon.
Logic/Creative Play: Finished his 650 piece Star Wars ship again.

Music: Practiced his piano lesson.
Religion: Read in his Book of Mormon Reader.
Math: Saxon Math Lesson. Used an abacus.
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code.
Creative Writing: Working on a Star Wars story. Using a dictionary also.
Free Reading: Read 1/2 chapter from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis.
Creative Play: Lego's

Caleb lost his first tooth today!
Scriptures: Read/looked at a scripture picture book.
Book on Tape: Listened to a book on tape about Pirates.
Math: 5 lessons from Right Start Math. We used an abacus, tally sticks, and tile cubes. He wrote out some of the numbers.
Logic: Played chess and Turtle Mania (visual perception and matching)
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Reading: Sight words drill
Free Reading: Read several of his new books from Usborne.
Phonics/Computers: Played Explode the Code online for 30 min.
Creative Play: Legos
PE: 30 min of Wii Sports

Family (in the evening):
Family Home Evening: Mortal Life
Watched a church video about the Plan of Salvation-a 3 act play.
Played: Turtle Mania and Linkety again

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Scriptures, journal, word of the day, walked for 20 min, wrote several blog posts and studied for my midterm.
Alex: Scriptures, Read a chapter from Leadership 101 by Maxwell, read in the Ensign, word of the day, went to work, and played Wii Sports with Caleb.


Anonymous said...

If you or your readers are using or plan on using Saxon math books from Math 54 through calculus, I recommend a visit to the website at

Art Reed

Becca said...

What do you think of your science kits? I am looking in to buying some of those, but I am so lazy to put one together myself...