Monday, March 9, 2009

02/09/09 (Mon): Social Day

Today, we took a break from the ordinary and had four boys over for the entire day. It was a lot of fun and I'm happy to say my friend is feeling better now that she had the whole day to sleep. The boys ages were 10, 5, 2 and 1. Olivia did a lot of mothering with the younger two. So no Mom School today, and I really let the kids do whatever they wanted. Oh! Our furnace is fixed now. Yeah. Warmth!

Religion: Read one chapter in the Book of Mormon.
Music: Singing practice
Science Experiment: She planted tomato seeds and radish seeds today.
Math: Lesson 110
Language Arts: Verb tenses
Writing: She did an editing lesson from Editor in Chief.
Creative Writing: Worked on an essay on My Access.
Vocabulary: Peterson's Word of the Day- EXTOL
Vocabulary/Language Usage: Did a lesson on Greek root words.
Business: Helped me upload our latest Usborne book order on line.
Reading: Read NUMEROUS little kid books to the little boys.
Life Skills: Babysitting. She did a really good job playing and watching the little boys.
Economics: Olivia has some online investments through and today she was changing some of them around.
Chores ( I don't know what I haven't been putting this down).

Religion: Read in the New Testament Reader.
Music: Had a piano lesson.
Creative Writing: Jared is writing a story! It's a miracle!!!! You have no idea!!!! He's finished 1 whole typed page on the computer. He has never wanted to write and so I have never pushed him to. See TJED works! Now he is wanting to write a story. Who would of thought???
Free Reading: Read 1 chapter in a book. He's also decided he's a reader! He wanted to read more, but he said he wanted to play with his friend today. Good social choice!
Social/Creative Play: Lot's of lego's, Wii, light saber duels and over all great fun.
PE: Ran/walked on the treadmill for 30 min.

Religion: Read multiple chapters in The Book of Mormon Reader.
Creative Writing: Worked on his story on the computer.
Social/Creative Play: Lot's of lego's, Wii, light saber duels and over all great fun.

I don't think he felt that well today. He was really whinny and he took a nap.
Art: Made stencil pictures.
Social/Creative Play: Lot's of lego's, Wii, light saber duels and over all great fun.
General Learning: Played Dora the Explorer on the Computer.
Character: Watched a Veggie Tales Movie.

Family (in the evening):
Family Home Evening:
Watched the Twin Falls Temple Cultural Celebration Video.
Visited an elderly couple.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: (I left church yesterday with 3 music assignments. 1. Play the piano for a musical number 2. Sing in a 6 person musical number for the R.S. B-day celebration and 3. Substitute on the organ for the first time in sacrament in two weeks). Scriptures, journal, word of the day, piano, singing, visiting 3 friends who were all sick and gave them some food-why are so many of my friends sick?, practiced the Greek alphabet, placed an Usborne order and read 3 chapters in the Odyssey by Homer.
Alex: Scriptures, word of the day, went to work, practiced the Greek alphabet, listened to The Iliad by Homer and fixed the garbage disposal. He's such a good and talented hubby.

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