Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009 (Monday)

Family Scripture Study: 1 Corinthians 15

Mom School
Music: The Valiant Song and How Firm a Foundation
Bible: Adam and Eve from The Old Testament Reader.
Weekly Scripture Memorization: 3 Nephi 11:29
Friend Article
Literature: Anthony and Cleopatra from More Tales from Shakespeare by Marcia Williams
Read-a-loud: 1 chapter from Leven Thumps #1
Science: Read a chapter in Houghton Mifflin Social Studies: States and Regions.
Idaho History: We discussed the state bird, horse and flower.
Creative Play/Social: Lots of make believe play (knights and armor today) and a huge amount of conflict resolution.
Lots of Lego's
Several Brain Pop, Jr. Science videos on the computer

Religion: Read a chapter in Genesis.
Geography: Did an Evan-Moor lesson.
Math: Did a Saxon 7/6 lesson.
Math Drill: Did a subtraction fact drill.
Language Arts: Did a Daily Grams lesson and 1 1/2 lessons from Root Words.
Creative Writing: Did an Editor-in-Chief lesson. She also did her 30 min writing assignment from her scholar class. (She typed it up so she did typing also).
Reading: Started Pride and Prejudice.
Music: Practiced her vocal solo for the recital.

Religion: Read in the Book of Mormon.
Music: Practiced his recital piece.
Geography: Did an Evan-Moor lesson.
Math: Did a Saxon 6/5 lesson.
Math Drill: Did an addition math fact drill.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Creative Writing: Did a lesson in Let's Write.
Grammar: Did a Daily Grams lesson.
Reading: Read in Peter and the Star Catchers for at least 30 min

Religion: Read in the Book of Mormon
Geography: Did an Evan-Moor lesson.
Math: Did a Saxon 3 lesson.
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Grammar: Did a Daily Grams lesson.
Spelling: Did a spell drill.
Creative Writing: Did a writing lesson from Let's Write and he did his 30 min writing assignment for his Scholar Writing class. He also typed and worked on a story on the computer.
Reading: Read various things for over 30 min including a chapter in Prince Caspian

Religion: Read a verse in the Book of Mormon to me.
Geography: Did a lesson from Evan-Moor.
Math: Did a Saxon Math 2 lesson.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 3 pages of Explode the Code
Reading: Read part of The Cat in the Hat Comes Back to me and he also practiced some sight words.
Logic: Played with pattern blocks.

Family Home Evening:
We were gone most of the night to a piano recital. Jared and I performed a piano number and Olivia had a vocal performance.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Scriptures, journal, piano practice, family history research, I ordered another BYU class (Yeah!!) and started it. It is Advanced Writing in Literature.
Alex: Scriptures, word of the day, listening to Tears of the Desert, and went to work.

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