Weekly Family Scripture Memorization: Articles of Faith 13
Sewing: They all decided they had to sew today. Can a day get any worse?
Cooking: We made 5 or 6 batches of caramel popcorn. And passed them out later in the day to some friends and family. We made sugar cookies and rolled and cut them out.
Science Experiments: We did a myriad of science experiments including ones involving air pressure, water pressure, fog and crystals. They played for a while after wards with all the stuff and created their "own" science experiments. (Pictured)
Geography: We started putting together our big world puzzle again. We have the edges and all the corners done.
Literature: I read 4 chapters of Treasure Island to Luke and Jared.
Book on Tape: We listened to a Hank the Cowdog book together for about and hour and a half while we drove around on the county roads.
Social/PE: We played at some fellow home schooler's house and went ice skating on their pond. (Pictured)
PE: We went on a walk.
Chores/Animal Care (Pictured)
Olivia: Read her scriptures, sewed for hours, practiced the piano, practiced memorizing the Declaration of Independence (she has over half of it memorized now), listened to
Jared: Read his scriptures, practiced the piano, listened to Story of the World vol. 1 for an hour, played Wii Sports for 30 min, listened to Daniel and Nephi for 30 min, played a horse game for 30 minutes, read to me for 30 min from Tom Trueheart and the Land of Dark Stories, he finished several requirements for some Webelos badges for scouts, and that's all I remember.
Luke: Read his scriptures, practiced the piano, listened to Story of the World vol. 1, worked on his story for a long time, worked on his sewing for a long time, drew num
Caleb: Read his scriptures to me, listened to Story of the World vol. 1, read to his public school teacher on the phone (his fluency is getting faster and faster), played raz-kids.com for a long time (that works on fluency), he was very involved in the puzzle and the science experiments.
Deanna: Scriptures, journal, word of the day, read a chapter in Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens, various reading, lots of cooking, and spend quite a while on 4-H business with a friend.
Alex: Scriptures, word of the day, listening to the Last Dickens, participated in a meeting about the health care system with Senator Crapo, and went to work.
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