Weekly Family Scripture Memorization: Moroni 10:34 (Jared's turn to pick for the week).
Goal Setting: Each family member reported on their goals from last week and set new goals for this week. This is really going well especially for our goal oriented children (Jared).
Economics: In an effort to do our part to stimulate the economy (and do 4-H horse projects this year) we bought a horse trailer today.
Financial/Money Management: Alex presented a real life investment situ
Music: We had piano lessons today. We are really pushing the music theory.
Pen pals: The boy's pen pal letters came today. They were beyond ecstatic! They have been checking the mail for a couple of days in anxious anticipation. They've read, and reread them and won't let them out of their sight. Pen pals are fun! Our pen pals are from Texas where it is warm and we are jealous!
PE: Played outside and made snow forts for over two hours.
Chores/Animal Care
Note: The kids have really enjoyed doing their math problems on a wipe board. I recently ordered some lap size ones, but they haven't arrived yet. It reminds of slate work in Little House in the Prairie.
Caleb: Read his scriptures, learned about contractions, played a Happy Phonics game with me (about contractions), worked on addition problems, learned about octopus, asked for a piano lesson from me and I gave him one (hoot, hoot! our plan is working), listened to Farmer Boy on tape for an hour, and played ping pong.
Luke: Read his scriptures, practiced the piano, worked on a creative writing story, wrote four blog posts, reviewed sentence structure, pronoun usage, spelling, learned about mummies and the Valley of Kings (structure time not content), listened to Farmer Boy on tape for an hour, read for an hour in Ranger's Apprentice, and double digit addition practice.
Jared: Read his scriptures, practiced the piano, practiced double/triple digit multiplication problems, wrote a blog post, did a dictionary search of words I picked out then he read to me a definition, read in Peter and the Shadow Thieves, and listened to Harriet the Spy on tape for a reward.
Olivia: Read her scriptures, practiced the piano, read for two hours in The Screwtape Letters, made banana muffins, listened to Harriet the Spy for fun for 30 minutes, and wrote a blog post. (I'm forgetting some things????) Today we also had her, for a math problem, take our check book for the month and then categorize our income and expenditures into categories. She then had to hand-add them up and check her work with a calculator. She then will make an Excel sheet at some point. Also at the end of the month she will check our percentages in each category to see if we spent the correct amount for that category. This is a "real life" problem to teach her money management skills.
Deanna: Read scriptures, wrote in journal, practiced the piano (heavy emphasis on theory also), finished (finally!) Othello by William Shakespeare, worked on my English class by reading an extensive essay about Historical Criticism (not a favorite topic or class right now-BYU 314), and played ping pong.
Alex: Read his scriptures, reading in the church handbook, worked on our investments, spent several hours working for the Republican District Committee where he serves as vice chair, went to work, played ping pong, and he's listening to The Ranger's Apprentice.
Family Home Evening:
Songs: We'll Bring the World His Truth and The Spirit of God
Testimony Bearing: Alex, Deanna, Olivia, Jared and Luke
Character: 21 Rules of This House- #3 We do not lie.
Strength of Youth: First Presidency Message (restarted again)
Proclamation to the World on the Family: 1st paragraph (restarted again)
Article of Faith: 11th
Lesson: Gifts of the Spirit by Alex from Gospel Principles
Activity: Sorry!
Refreshments: Homemade Tapioca Pudding (by Olivia) and fresh curds
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