Friday, February 19, 2010

Week in Review

I've already posted most of this stuff this week, but for the sake of me getting into a 'weekly' habit I'm going to recap.

Family Scripture: 2 Nephi 9-13
Weekly Scripture Memorization: John 14:15
Theology: Several chapters in Gospel Principles.
Discussion Questions: Should we or should we not close off our borders to illegal aliens? Should we attend our club meetings even if we have completed our requirements? Should we allow our emotions to guide all our choices?
Field Trips: Library, Fossil Beds and Natural History Museum.
Family Read: Finished Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters.
PE: Made a Horatio Hornblower ship with friends, played capture the flag, played Wii Fit, and played basketball several times.
Music: Piano lessons and daily piano practice.
Weekly Goal Planning Session Held.

Caleb: Focused on reading and doing chores. We introduced the "mentor Caleb" goal. Each family member is encouraged to spend time with him everyday, if possible and if willing, and they play games and read books to him.

Focused on fluency in reading, spelling rules, and not pouting. Reading Ranger's Apprentice.

Focused on fluency in reading, 3-digit multiplication, and controlling emotions. Reading Peter and the Shadow Thieves.

Continues to focus on Revolutionary War. She finished several biographies of the Founding Mothers in America. She is now reading 1776 and The Scarlet Letter. She wrote several papers on American History. She attended two scholar classes.

Deanna: Started Family History Research up again. Reread Anne of Green Gables and A Thomas Jefferson Education. Continuing to pursue multiple Greek classic reads.

Alex: Heavy emphasis on campaign! He wrote a speech that will be delivered tomorrow before the state and district leaders. (no pressure)

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