Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our Thoughts: A tool or a toy?

So moving on to our mind! Our mind is a marvelous tool for good in our lives if we can use it for such. It has been said that even if the body were failing if the mind were still strong that we can keep going. (Think about the pioneers and those in concentration/prison camps). It is our first and our last line of defense against everything that is thrown upon us.

It has also been said that the mind is the devils playground. If Satan can get into our thoughts and began to sway us his victory will be swift and decisive.

So the question is posed to us. Do we use our mind as a tool or a toy? A tool to ponder and think about the glory of God? A tool to develop mental toughness against the pressures of the world? A tool to think about the truth and the great thoughts of the world? OR do we use it as a vehicle for fun? A toy to entertain us with unrealistic fantasies about material gain? A toy to think about the glory of the world? A toy to learn meaningless things from books and TV? A toy to think about filth and immoral things? A toy to fix us squarely on the "good" things of the world? A toy to lull in into carnal security and to think "All is well in Zion," I am well enough off?

Long ago (and about 500 books ago) I read a book wherein Sister Patricia Holland (Elder Holland's wife) talked about how Elder Holland would come home from his meetings and comment that the prophet was always telling the brethren that they weren't pondering enough. (I believe this was from A Quiet Heart). If the apostles aren't pondering enough than I feel certain that I'm not pondering enough.

Over the years I've tried to improve this skill of pondering. I've found that for me to ponder more effectively I need to write it down. While I'm reading the scriptures or wrestling over a question or problem I like to brain storm. I write down all the thoughts that come to mind. This leads to more thought and more thoughts. I cross out things that don't seem right and I write down more things. I have found that I can channel more mental power by writing them down. In the past when I didn't write things down I found that my mind drifted and it was hard to stay focused. Writing things down helps me to stay focused. I have multiple 10 cent notebooks filled with my thoughts. Maybe that idea will help other visual learners out there.

Moving on.... Anything involving the brain is going to hurt. Remember the brain is a muscle. You have to exercise it or you won't be able to sustain noble thoughts. It takes practice. The more you use the mind and try to harness your thoughts the more successful you will be. You will be able to concentrate on things that are "virtuous, lovely, or good report or praiseworthy" as you apply yourself. It takes practice and it takes time. But it can be done.

Our mind is a gift from God to help us on our journey through life. He will guide us with His Spirit but we need to do our part and use our mind to empower us to greater levels of truth and ability.

We can use our mind tool to:
Read a hard classic.
Stop surfing and pursuing mind numbing information on the internet.
Master a classical piece on the piano.
Write an essay.
Receive personal revelation in our role as wife, mother and nurturer.
Turn off the television.
Stop overeating.
Get up early even when the sun has not risen, the bed is warm and you feel so "tired."
Replacing our anger towards someone/thing with kind, loving and forgiving thoughts.
Not be overwhelmed by the emotional exhaustion of being a mother.
Speak kindness by first thinking kindness.
Applying ourselves to earnest studying in our scripture study.

Yes, our mind and our thoughts can be our greatest tool or our greatest toy. What will it be for each of us?


Lara said...

I have been working on my writing ever since we talked about it. I've always known I should be doing it but I'm just so dang lazy. I want to lie in bed at night to read and it's sort of difficult to write in that position. Either that or I want to get on to the next book as fast as I can and then I wonder why I don't remember anything I read.

Anonymous said...

I have to say thank you for all of your posts. I feel like you can put into words what I've been thinking about. I love that your blog gives me some extra umph to get going on these things. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Misty said...

Brilliant thoughts! Thank you for sharing them...it has given me a lot to ponder, and now I feel like I must actually do the pondering!