Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Daily Schedule for 8/27/08

Theology: Preach My Gospel, The Restoration of the Gospel, Lesson 1, part 6
Bible History: Moses last words to his people
Biography/American History: America's Providential History and A Child's Story of America about William Bradford, John Smith, Miles Standish and John Winthrop
Geography: There's a Map on My Lap: All About Maps by Tish Rabe
Read-a-loud: 2 chapters of A Wrinkle in Time
Video: 30 min video about Jamestown for kids
Pet Care: We went to the vets for a field trip and watched Hank have his ear lanced, very cool! The vet and the vet tech were very kind and explained everything that they were doing. They had to put Hank under, put a tube down his throat, lance and clean him, suture him and bandage him to name a few things. And they were talked through the whole thing. Some may think it's morbid, but if they want to be doctors and vets they better suck it up now! Besides, I just think it's cool...

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Math: Lesson 7
Math Drill: Subtraction Wrap-ups 10's, 1's
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: A Reason for Writing Lesson, wrote out a Bible verse
Free Reading: 45 minutes of Geronimo Stilton

Music: Voice Lesson practice and Recorder practice
Math: Lesson 7
Math Drill: Multiplication Wrap-up's 10's and 9's
Spelling: 2 spell drills
Language Arts: Verbs Abeka Language B
Free Reading: 1+ hour of Work and the Glory
Life Skills: Sheppard's Pie

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