Monday, September 15, 2008

Olivia's hamster report

Samuel Peanut Sutter
A Report on my hamster.

My hamsters’ name is Sammy (he has two names, the other one is Peanut). It’s your choice of what you call him. Sammy is a male hamster. He does not like people except for me; he will eat, sleep, drink and run in front of me. He is only a few weeks old. He loves to run on his wheel and to sleep in his food bowl. It is very cute to watch. I love him. He is tan and white with a few stripes of dark gray. He LOVES to play in his tube and to sleep in it. Sammy also hides in his tube. He is a fun hamster to watch.

I love My Hamster.

He's hiding in the upper left corn tube.

He hides in the tube when ever some one comes into the room so you can't catch him. Or at least for all of us but Olivia.

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