Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Six Month Inventory

I have just finished reading Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning by Oliver and Rachel DeMille. Nice Christmas present. It was good to review the "ingredients" again that led to a successful leadership education.

One that caught my eye this time around was #8 The Six Month Inventory. I thought this was appropriate to do with the New Year coming on and it being "that time" to set some goals. The Six Month Inventory is when you take some time and think about each of your children. You think about their strengths, weaknesses, fears, hopes, dreams, etc. Then you decide what it is YOU can do specifically for them to help them accomplish certain things you feel are important over the next six months.

What I thought was great about this is that I set a goal that I work on to help them. They can set goals with me also of course and with Alex, but these are specific to me as their mother.

So today I took the time to ponder on each of our children and set goals for myself that will benefit them. I'm excited! I realized several things I hadn't previously thought about regarding the further impact I can have with them.

1 comment:

Henry Cate said...

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