Monday, January 12, 2009

01/12/09: Dickens

Mom School
Pray, Pledge and Song
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Chapter 6: Patience
Bible History: Peter walks on the water
Biography/American History: 2 chapters from The Secret Soldier: The Story of Deborah Sampson by Ann McGovern
Literature: 5 poems from A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson
Fairy Tales/Fables: Pied Piper of Hamlien
Family History: The biography of Wilmer Cadmus Green and Emma Hollingworth Green my gggradparents.
Music: Ah, Music! by Aliki
Science: Earthquakes by Franklyn M. Branley and Rocks and Minerals from The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia
Math: 1 chapter from The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Religion: 1 chapter from the Book of Mormon
Music: Practiced her voice lesson
Creative Writing: Wrote a poem about music.
Art: Wrote her poem in fancy writing and made it into a pretty page.
Math: Lesson 82
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Prepositions
Free Reading: 1 hour of Jane Eyre
Life Skills: Homemade bread

Religion Reading: 1 chapter from The Old Testament Reader
Music: Practiced his piano lesson.
Math: Lesson 74
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Cursive X's
Free Reading: Read 3 chapters from Eragon
Creative Play: Lego's for 2 hours

Religion: Read a chapter from the Book of Mormon Reader
Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Computer/Music: Worked on Lesson 4 on Music Ace
Math: 1 Saxon Math 2 lesson
Math Game: Played Money, Money! with me. A money game.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code
Free Reading: Read for 30 min in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Creative Play: Played with Lego's for about 2 hours.

Math: 1 math page from a workbook
Math Game: Played the Money, Money! game with Luke and I.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 3 pages from Explode the Code
Phonics: Played a phonics game out of Happy Phonics with me.
Free Reading: Read 2 phonics readers and a couple pages from Fox in Socks
Reading: Read to him for an hour from Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson (the illustrated classic one)
Creative Play: Played with Lego's for about an hour.

Family (in the evening):
Family Home Evening: Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament by Elder Oaks
Game: Stars Wars Trivial Prusuit
We visited two families. One couple are shut-in's and the other couple is facing several struggles.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Scriptures, journal, conference talks, piano (I have a piano solo on Sunday), spell drill, read and finished The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary Blackwood, read 6 chapters in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (it's long overdue that I read a Dickens book) and read Richest Man in Babylon out loud with Alex.
Alex: Scriptures, read a lesson in Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, read some out of a Maxwell leadership book, read out of a book he's working on How to Win a Local Election, went to work, and listened to Plague Ship by Clive Cussler.

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