Friday, January 9, 2009

1/09/09: Working with dad

Mom School
Pray, Pledge and Song
Bible History
: Jesus calls the fisherman
Friend Article
Fairy Tales/Fables:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Wallace Wadsworth, Goldie and the Three Bears by Diane Stanley and The Little Red Hen by Jerry Pinkney.
Memorization: Books of the Book of Mormon and Latter-day Prophets
World History: Story of the World vol. 2 : Vikings
Science: Corn is Maize: The Gift of the Indians by Aliki
Phonics Game: Silent E Phonics Game
Math Game: Sum Swamp (adding and subtracting)
Movie: Swiss Family Robinson
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Religion Reading: Read the Book of Mormon
Math: Lesson 81
Language Arts: Preposistions
Free Reading: 1 chapter of Jane Eyre
American History Reading: Mount Vernon: Cornerstones of Freedom by Mary Collins
Life Skills: Went to work with dad
Computers/Typing: Goodreads and Blogging

Free Reading: 3 chapters from Eragon
Life Skills: Went to work with dad all day

Music: Had a piano lesson. 30 min of Music Ace.
Science: Finished his dinsour.
Free Reading: Over 1 hour of The Fellowship of the Rings

Music: 2 hours of the Music Ace.
Phonics Games: We played two Happy Phonics games.
Handwriting/Phonics: 4 pages of Explode the Code

Family (in the evening):
We played Apples to Apples, Jr and the Wii

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Scriptures, Journal, Piano, 2 hours and finished Atlantis Found by Clive Cussler and started the Iliad.
Alex: Scriptures, Ensign Articles, Conference Talk, Went to work and listened to Plague Ship by Clive Cussler.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Working with Dad is a big favorite around here!
Love the Dino!