Thursday, January 22, 2009

01/22/09: Shark Attack!

Mom School
Pray, Pledge and Song
Theology: Chapter 1 in Gospel Principles
Bible History: Christ enters Jerusalem
Friend Article
Biography/American History: Read Nathan Hale: Patriot Spy by Shannon Zemlicka
Fairy Tales: Puss in Boots
Fables: Christopher The Holy Giant by Tomie dePaola (story of the Catholic patron saint Christopher)
Math: 1 chapter from The Number Devel: A Mathematical Adventure by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Family History: Biography of Olive Ward by her sister Edna Hopkins
World History: 2 hours listening to The Story of the World vol. 2.
Science: Sharks by Seymour Simon from the Smithsonian series. We really like these Smithsonian series. This is the first one we've read but we've looked at the pictures from a lot of them that we've checked out from the library. Caleb said, "They are so scary!" It was a book about sharks!
Life Skills: Folding laundry together.
PE: Went swimming twice.
Family Life: Played with our cousins and went out to dinner.
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.
Service: Made food for a funeral.

Religion: Read a chapter in the Book of Mormon.
Reading: Read for one hour in Jane Eyre.
Life Skills: Homemade macaroni and cheese again.

Religion: Read a chapter in his Old Testament Reader.
Free Reading: Read 3 chapters in Eragon.

Music: Practiced his piano lesson.
Free Reading: Read for an hour in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis.

Did one math page from his workbook.
PE: Played Wii Sports for 30 min.

Family (in the evening):
Swimming and cousins

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Scriptures, journal, goodreads reviews, read 3 hours in Slave Dance and Prelude to Glory.
Alex: Scriptures, provided tech support for a funeral, listened to Radio Broadcasts that changed the world (JFK speeches), went to work and played with us!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Swimming TWICE. I am so jealous!