Wednesday, March 25, 2009

03/25/09 (Wednesday): A House of Chaos

Today we have had our cousins over since early this morning and they are staying until tomorrow. Fun, chaos, fun, chaos.

This is the first time in a very long time that I haven't had a lot to do. (Besides chase the two year old down occasionally). Most of the time if we don't "do school" we are running off somewhere doing something "school" related. Today however, the kids just played and I had the whole day off. Very weird. I didn't have to clean, I always stay up on that so there wasn't anything to do there. The house will need some serious help tomorrow after they leave though. There are toys everywhere!

Olivia had her scholar class and she really liked it again. I'm glad she's chosen to participate. She's learning and understanding a lot. Who would of thought a ten year old would "get" Walden?

I worked on my Usborne order, hung out with a friend while we waited for Olivia to finish her class, read 9 chapters and finished the book and questions for the Odyssey, and worked on some Greek. I also was able to study my scriptures extra long today. Very nice. Can a day be any better?

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