Our challenge: the food department. We have always focused on teaching our "children correct principles and letting them govern themselves." So as they've gotten older they've started to ask questions particularly about the Word of Wisdom. We've had to take a hard look at some of our eating practices. We've also kicked up the Self-Reliant food gear too.
Our new yummy as been green/orange smoothies though. Even Jared, who thinks that green food will quite possibly kill him, will at least try it. (Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves). He will drink a fruit/carrot smoothie with out a problem. Caleb thinks they are delicious and drinks a big glass. The other two like them, but they aren't in love with them-YET!
Since I am mentally challenged when it comes to following a recipe I don't have one. All the on line recipes that I looked at all called for half vegetables and half fruit. We have found we like a couple of bananas in every batch and lots of ice cubes. The broccoli in one batch was a bit much for a couple of them because you can't really blend it all the way down. Caleb and I didn't mind-but we like all food so....
Our goal is to replace a meal with them. We want to start eating smaller meals for dinner, so maybe we'll have them then? I know many people have them for snacks. We only eat three times a day and so we haven't even wanted to do that. We've been eating them with lunch and that's worked well. We should try them for breakfast, but I've been afraid we'd be to hungry by mid-morning. We'll see.....
You are NOT doing green smoothies. Man, it's like you know what's happening in my house all the time. We've been doing these for a few months now (and fruit ones too). Now I'm motivated to post the recipes we love. Maybe you'll like them too!
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I'll have to try the carrot/fruit smoothie for my children and see if they like it.
We drink our smoothie every day as a mid morning snack because no matter what we eat for breakfast we're always starving again at 10:00 a.m.
I'm going to post my weekly meal plan soon. I never knew I could eat so many veggies as I have this year! We all really love them now.
Adding nuts and/or yogurt helps make it more filling so you don't feel hungry until lunch.
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