Tuesday, May 4, 2010

True Principles

I've enjoyed reading so many articles lately about principles. What are principles? What are our family's principles?

The last seven years I have earnestly pursued book after book, talk after talk, person after person, temple session after temple session and scripture after scripture trying to find our own personal truth in regards to home education. President Young said, "Pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on you." To that end I have sought truth.

I agree with many of you that there are many ways to home educate your children and there is no one right way. I appreciate the ideas that you all present. What I've created from those ideas coupled with my own personal conversations with the Almighty look different than yours. My journey is far from over however and I continue to seek more truth.

I've never felt so strongly the Spirit as when I go before Him daily to petition and invoke His help as I seek each day to fulfill my sacred role of nurturer. God is ever mindful of us and reaches out to us when we seek to fulfill our God given roles as mother. He will answer us.

What I've created from those holy communions is a home and not a school room. I've created a culture and not a system. School is not in session from 8-3. Our mortal sojourn is in session 24/7 however! I've patterned our home after the temple and what I envision Zion to be.

Someone may say, "What are you doing? Are you wanting everything church related?" The answer is yes. Yes in the aspect that everything we do as a purpose, with that purpose being bringing each of us closer to Christ. My vision is way beyond teaching my kids their multiplication tables or memorizing Shakespeare. My vision is raising kids who can usher in the second coming and Christ.

Every moment I pray that I will know God's will and that He will direct me. Every book I read, every conversation I start, every chore I require as a purpose. I know exactly what value I want taught, every lesson I want learned and every habit I want developed. I am not preaching to them however. Alex and I are doing everything we can to model that supplication to Christ. Our children do know that everything we do has a purpose and they trust us. They know I have their eternal welfare in sight. They get it. They know I'm not interested in making them out to be the most popular, the best dressed or the next basketball all-star. I have a higher vision.

I am convinced that when we stood in the pre-mortal existence, before we came here to mortality, that my children (who would be called among your children the valiant and chosen generation) begged me not to raise them in mediocrity and Babylon. I am certain they petitioned me to raise them with truth inscribed into their very soul so that they would in very deed be prepared to fulfill their missions however great or small. I will not fail them. I will do all in my power to learn correct principles and to teach them truth.

My posts are geared from an overwhelming desire to prick each of us and to have each one of us ask ourselves what principles can I gleam for my family from these ideas? I believe in the power of personal revelation and its guiding influence in our lives. I hope that my posts, that I feel compelled to write, will arouse our faculties to receive the truth that we are all in desperate need of and are seeking.

God bless us all in our own pursuit of true principles.


KarenB said...

Thanks for this post. It gave me perspective this morning. How this world (all of us) needs perspective! Thank-you for sharing your wonderful insights.

Celeste B. said...

Yes - home education with a purpose...a unique purpose for each one of us. This is a novel idea to many people. I took my youth to a symphony concert today that was playing for school fieldtrips. It was free for homeschoolers as well and so we took advantage of a wonderful free concert.

We arrived early and sat in our car as bus after bus unloaded children for the concert. My kids and I just sat and watched for 15 minutes as these kids marched in line to the concert. Our thoughts and comments turned to how sad we were for these children that they do not have what we have.

Lara said...

Yes!! I feel such confidence that we are on the right path but I see a long road ahead of us. It looks exciting from here!

Misty said...

I love your thoughts on why you feel compelled to write...I have often thought that if all who are trying to reach a Zion right here and now would write, we would find that we are more than we think we are.

Thanks so much for the inspiring post!

Rebecca said...

I loved your thoughts. So much of what we do needs to be thought out, studied, and presented to God that we might know his will for us and those we are nurturing. I love the journey of discovering truth, allowing others to progress on their journey and helping each other as we go.
Thank you for sharing your path.