Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Debate

I have been enjoying participating in the "Great Debate" lately that is covering homeschooling blogs now. This has been an exciting discussion and I'm grateful to be apart of it! It reminds me of the different eras in English History when all the great minds would sit, discuss and seek truth. Since we all live in different states we can't sit down with one another, but reading each others home school blogs as been an opportunity to continue on with the Great Debate in our own sphere.

What is the Great Debate? For those in my sphere it is how to raise our children in the midst of Babylon. What do we give them and what do we need to take away? How do we prepare? The Great Debate is about a lot of things though. The Great Debate is a discussion among people of similar like minds as they seek truth and then seek to apply it in their own lives. There are Great Debates going on everywhere about government, evolution, Christianity, truth, happiness, human nature. Here is a link that simply gives you an idea about some of the things out there. These aren't necessarily topics I'm pursuing though.

Here are the links of some of those moms that I've enjoyed actively participating with in the Great Debate:


Misty and Cousin Ribby

Misty and Jennifer




Buzy Bee

Mrs. Smith







KarenB said...

I never thought about how we are involved in a great debate. I kind of pictured that as something that people who know a lot about politics do.
You make a great point though, we are all studying, discussing and trying to apply what we learn - and I am really enjoying the discussion!

crazy4boys said...

Oh my goodness....I'm on the list. Does that mean I'm cool???? Thanks for pulling all these together. It's fun to find people who think alike or who can challenge your thinking in a good way.