Wednesday, December 31, 2008

12/31/08: Passports and Blood

Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Chapter 6: Faith (Christlike Attributes)
Bible History: Sermon on the Mount
Biography/American History: Read 6 chapters and finished Guns for General Washington.
Family History: Catherine Ward's Patriarchal Blessing
World History: 1 hour of Story of the World Vol. 2 CD
Science: Read about several different things. Astronauts, Hubble Telescope, Space Missions, Planet Earth...
Game: Olivia and Luke played Stratego and Jared and Caleb played Life
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

We turned in and paid for our passports at the courthouse! Yeah! Finally!
Went to Grandma's for a New Year's Eve Dinner/games. We were home by 8.
Watched the movie Emma: An Elect Lady with my sister Emily on the big screen.

  • Olivia did lots of digital scrap booking.
  • I wrote thank you cards for Christmas. Worked on my BYU class. : ) (This makes me happy). Did a bunch for my youth calling because of a regional dance tonight.
  • Alex ran the Red Cross Blood Drive. His 7th annual one. It's a lot of work to get it all organized and scheduled. But it's worth it! I'm proud of what he does for the community by organizing it. Great modeling.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12/30/08: Cousins

Today was a fun-filled cousin day! They played outside a lot among other things. They were disappointed at 5 when we (the moms) told them they couldn't have another slumber party tonight. We said you all need a break-we need a break! They were up late and up early and they were getting fried. But the memories will be sweet I think. We told them maybe Thursday or Friday night...

Olivia did get to ride horses though for several hours with Kristen (the other mom cousin) while I kept the non-horse riders at the house for the afternoon.

I read 100 pages in my George Washington biography. We read lots of stories tonight. We are still trying to agree on a chapter book to read at night now that we finished the Fablehaven series. Olivia wants to read Little Britches again and Jared wants to finish the Narnia books (we have two left), Luke doesn't care and Caleb wants to read all the Junior Illustrated Classics we have starting with Kidnapped. They were so fried that they weren't logical so I just read a bunch of picture books. Maybe we can come to a compromise soon.

Olivia has been playing Stratego with Alex the last couple of days and really likes that.

Monday, December 29, 2008

12/29/08: #6 The Sixth Month Purge

Today we put up our Christmas decorations. Ahhh! I love having my house put together. When things are not in their regular place it drives me nuts! Alex is home again all this week and so he obliged me with the decorations.

We also did "The Sixth Month Purge" which just means we went through things and took out of the house the things we didn't need anymore. Ahhhh again! The kids ended up switching their rooms around again so that necessitated a through gutting.

Olivia worked on her Adobe Photo Shop Elements or whatever it's called. She also had a mentor lesson about it from my sister. She was very happy.

We had a family council this morning and went over some general family things. (like switching rooms) We also voted to implement the "Bean Counter Game." We'll see how that goes. I'll do a separate post on that in a couple of days.

We went "to town" today to play at the McDonald's playground for our cousins birthday. Tonight half the kids are at their cousins house spending the night and the other half are here with some cousins. We have cake and ice cream in a bit also for the birthday cousin.

We accomplished a lot today. They worked hard and played hard. I'm smiling because my house is put back together.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Six Month Inventory

I have just finished reading Leadership Education: The Phases of Learning by Oliver and Rachel DeMille. Nice Christmas present. It was good to review the "ingredients" again that led to a successful leadership education.

One that caught my eye this time around was #8 The Six Month Inventory. I thought this was appropriate to do with the New Year coming on and it being "that time" to set some goals. The Six Month Inventory is when you take some time and think about each of your children. You think about their strengths, weaknesses, fears, hopes, dreams, etc. Then you decide what it is YOU can do specifically for them to help them accomplish certain things you feel are important over the next six months.

What I thought was great about this is that I set a goal that I work on to help them. They can set goals with me also of course and with Alex, but these are specific to me as their mother.

So today I took the time to ponder on each of our children and set goals for myself that will benefit them. I'm excited! I realized several things I hadn't previously thought about regarding the further impact I can have with them.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

12/26/08: #7

Today, I spent a lot of time on key #7 of "The Great Keys of a Leadership Education." That key of course is "YOU, Not Them." I started my latest BYU course-GEOG 120: World Geography and Current Affairs (or something like that). I read the syllabus and started the on-line chapter 1 lecture notes. I also learned and now I need to memorize all the violin notes. I'm telling you music is all about patterns. I studied the strings and read the books until I figured out the pattern. Piece a cake. Of course I just have to practice (a lot!) making my fingers move to the right spot. This will take some time! After I learned the notes I spent some time practicing the violin. My arms are sore! I also read the first 120 pages in The Phases of Learning by Oliver and Rachael DeMille that I received for Christmas. Besides that I cooked for the weary Wii players and slept. I think I'm finally caught up in my sleep again.

The kids enjoyed a fun filled day with dad and grandpa. They spent hours on the Wii. All of them. We have a Wii rule: You can't sit down when you play the Wii. Silly I know. After this weekend we'll have some time constraints on the usage of the Wii. We debated long and hard about buying a Wii. I know some of you you TJEders are rolling your eyes, but I think it was the right choice for our family-so roll away! : ) They even had it hooked up to our large projector screen playing. Our family has two tiny TV's. But because of Alex's work we have a huge projector and projector screen. So we have movie nights on the big screen every once in a while-so fun. (It's come in handy at the church multiple times). And if was fun using it to play the Wii yesterday. After today the big screen will be retired again. The kids did watch Journey to the Center of the Earth tonight on it.

They also went 4-wheeling and sledding for a long time with grandpa and dad. Olivia started and read a couple of chapters of Jane Eye. I had her tell me what she read. She says she really likes the language of the book. We also played several rounds of Apples to Apples, Jr. This is a good game. We liked that the kids have to defend/articulate their answers, make decisions, and make comparisons. We recommend it! It's a great evening game.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve/Day

Christmas Eve- We went sledding and 4-wheeling with our cousins for several hours. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas Eve dinner and our program. This year Grandma decided we had enough grand kids to attempt a live nativity. It was fun. They looked so cute. It was pretty chaotic though. Ahhh, the memories. We opened our pj's and our family gift exchanges. Christmas Eve is very eventful in our house. I look forward to Christmas Eve as much as Christmas Day. Grandpa Sutter made it in before the snow storm. We were excited to have him here.
Christmas Day-Lots of family time and present unwrapping. We were all up at 5:30 A.M. We received a lot of great homeschooling presents. We have a very cool telescope with a digital camera attached and the ability to download directly to the computer, lots of science projects and science books, The Story of the World vol. 2 Cd's, Music Ace, kids Broadway vocal solo books, the world geography puzzle that's in all the homeschooling catalogs, lots of books, games and creative play things. Olivia was excited to get Adobe Photoshop Elements for her laptop. Olivia started reading Jane Eyre also. Olivia and I received a violin lesson from my sister-in-law. I ordered a BYU class. I'm so excited to start another class. Jared practiced the saxophone. We bought a self-teaching saxophone book. We're excited to give that a try. Olivia, Jared and I can read music so hopefully we'll be successful. I maintain the secret to basic music playing skills is consistent practice.

We hope all of you had a vary Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Chapter 6, section 1
Bible History: Jesus heals people and call his apostles
Biography/American History: 8 chapters from Guns for General Washington
Fairy Tales/Fables: Thumbelina by Susan Jeffers. We also read the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.
Memorization: Books of the Old and New Testament, Book of The Book of Mormon, The Presidents of the USA and The Planets of our Solar System.
Family History: Biography of Samuel Ward my gggrandfater
Music: Singing some of the memorization songs.
World History: Chapter 13 from Story of the World vol. 2
Geography: France
Science: 1 chapter from Kingfisher Voyages Oceans. We also learned about astronomy, the moon, Apollo missions, Telescopes, Galileo and Copernicus.
PE: Hours of outside snow fort building
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Math: Lesson 76
Handwriting/Writing: Wrote in her journal
Creative Writing: Wrote a Christmas poem
Life Skills: Pumpkin Pie
Computers/Typing/Writing: Wrote a blog post.
Reading: Scriptures and The Work and the Glory #3, finished.

Reading: Read in The Old Testament Stories Reader

Creative Writing/Computers/Typing/Spelling: Worked on his story for at least an hour.
Writing/Drawing: Drew some pictures and wrote in a notebook.
Free Reading: Read in various books

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Cooked food for Christmas Eve Dinner, Read for 3+ hours
Alex:Worked as a Temple Ordinance Worker, Went to work, and listened to a memoir about Ronald Reagan.

Monday, December 22, 2008

12/22/08: SNOW

Today we awoke to a lot of snow. The kids spent a lot of time outside today. They also went over to grandma's for a movie party with the cousins while Aunt Emily cut my hair.

Mom School
Pray and Pledge

Theology: "The Book of Mormon is the Word of God" by President Ezra Taft Benson, President of the Council of the Twelve, Ensign, May 1975, 63-65.
Bible History: Jesus heals lepers
Friend Article
Biography/American History: 8 Chapters from Guns for General Washington by Seymore Reit
Family History: Patriarchal blessing of Samuel Ward
Music: Our community music performance was cancelled due to 2 feet of blowing snow.
World History: Chapter 12 from Story of the World vol. 2
Geography: Spain and the Mediterranean Sea
Science: Asteroids, Meters, Meteoroids, Comets...
Life Skills: Shoveling 2 feet of snow while it's snowing and blowing.
PE: Played outside for several hours in the snow building forts.
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Math: Lesson 75-she's a dire hard-every morning by 6:30 AM she's doing her math.
Writing/Computers/Typing: Wrote a Christmas letter and typed a Christmas program out. Showed me some digital scrap booking tips so I could make the yearbook pages I needed from 2008.
Reading: 30 min of Work and the Glory #3
Art: Made Christmas Cards with Caleb

Reading: Jared read his self-designated 3X a day. He finished The Book of Mormon Reader.
He was outside longer than anyone today.

Handwriting/Art: He spend a lot of time drawing and writing things in a notebook.

Music: Sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer all day. : )
Art: Made Christmas cards with Olivia.

Family (in the evening):
Family Home Evening: Delivering Secret Santa stuff
We played Sorry!

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Practiced the piano, did 2 year book pages for grandma's yearly book, and I read for 1 hour.
Alex: Shoveled snow, went to work and listened to Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Olivia's latest post

Here's a recent post from Olivia's blog. I thought it was cute.

I don't know what to name this post, I haven't written in a while so I want to post, but there's so many things to write about. I could write for a long time. So here's how school has been:
We've been doing a lot of things, I just received my knew grammar program it's been a lot better then my old one. Math is going well, mom school is probably my favorite part of the day. We've read some classics and lots of American history. I am currently reading Work and the glory #3 I love it! For more Info check out my mom's Homeschooling blog. Merry Christmas

Friday, December 19, 2008


Today we took the day off and went to "town" for holiday groceries. Also our Bishop asked us to provide Christmas for a local family and so we went Christmas shopping for them. The kids thought that it was fun shopping for some kids they know in our town. I went visiting teaching this morning before we left. We also ate lunch out with Alex. It was a nice day.

We plan on doing mom school on Monday and Tuesday next week and a couple of days the week after. So we figured it was okay to "ditch" today.

I also told the kids not to worry about doing anything for "school" today. Olivia asked if she could still do her math and grammar. And what do you say to that? So she did math lessons 73 and 74. (two no less) She also did her grammar. She read for over an hour also out of Work and Glory #3. Jared also read his Book of Mormon reader.

We listened to some Bible history in the car for the two hours of driving. We enjoyed a library movie and root beer floats this evening.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Preach My Gospel, finished chapter 5
Bible History: Jesus calls the fisherman and the marriage in Cana
Friend Article
Biography/American History: Finished the bio of Betsy Ross
Read-a-loud: Read 3 chapters and finished Fablehaven #3 by Brandon Mull
Family History: Biography of Eunice Lym Kimball by her daughter Lenore Nitch
World History: 1 chapter from Story of the World vol. 2: Franks create an empire
Geography: Countries of the Frank empire
Science: Stars, galaxies, black holes, Milky Way...
PE: Played in the snow and went sledding.
Social: Played for 3 hours with some friends all together
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Math: Lesson 72
Math Drill: Worked on some math facts with the Math Shark
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Finished her pre-test
Free Reading: Read for 30 min from Work and the Glory #3

Math: Lesson 67
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Free Reading: Read for 30 min out of his Book of Mormon Reader

Phonics/Handwriting: Did a couple of pages in Explode the Code
Free Reading: Read a chapter from a Magic Tree House book

Reading: Read out of Fox in Socks to me
Phonics/Handwriting: Did 3 pages of Explode the Code

Family (in the evening):
Went to a pack meeting.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Read for 2 hours, helped at a pack meeting, finished my crafty project
Alex: Went to work (long day) and listened to several books

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12/17/08: An Explode the Code Day

Luke and Caleb were so excited to get their next couple of Explode the Code books in the mail that they had to finish the ones they were in so they could start their new ones.

Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5: Another section from the Book of Mormon
Bible History: Jesus is tempted
Friend Article
Biography/American History: First half of Betsy Ross: American Patriot by Susan M. Miller
Read-a-loud: 3 chapters from Fablehaven #3 by Brandon Mull
Family History: Another Life sketch of Eunice Lym Hancock by her former Bishop
Science: Neptune, Pluto and the Milky Way, 2 Magic School Bus videos
Life Skills: We dipped candies and made Christmas cookies
PE: Played in the snow and shoveled snow.
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Music: Practiced the piano
Math: Lesson 69 and 70
Math Drill: Mentored Caleb with some math facts
Language Arts: Took 1/2 pretest in her new grammar book.
Writing: Wrote in her journal
Free Reading: Over an hour of Work and the Glory #3 by Gerald Lund
Had Activity Days!

Math: Lesson 66
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Cursive S's
Logic: Played with Lego's for several hours
Free Reading: Read for over 30 min in The Book of Mormon Reader

Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: Over 20 pages of Explode the Code

Reading: Read for over 30 min of Fox in Socks by Dr Seuss to me
Phonics/Handwriting: Over 2o pages as well of Explode the Code
Math Facts: Olivia drilled him on some math facts

Family (in the evening):
Luke 7
Alex and the boys spared with their karate gear.
Olivia and I delivered all our Christmas treats that took us all afternoon to make.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Went to a book club, finished recording some music for the school's Christmas program and made Christmas cookies and treats with the kids.
Alex: Went to work and finished a Louis L'Amour and started another one. Read for about an hour this evening in a variety of books.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A couple of years ago we bought a game called I Love America Jingo. It's basically a bingo game. Instead of pulling out a number or a picture though you pull out three clues and you have to guess what the answer is. Then you put your marker on the picture. There is a picture by the clues though so you know you've gotten it right. For example, it might say, "This man was never president, but helped found our country. He is famous for his inventions. He signed the Declaration of Independance." Or something like that. (Benjamin Franklin by the way).

This game is an easy way to cover a lot of information with out having to teach it. They'll memorize all the cards (50 or so??) soon enough, but they will have the knowledge retained. Which is good if you especially like The Well-Trained Mind educational model for lots of early age memorization.

So I googled it since I bought it at an educational store in a far of state I was passing through. I remembered there were lots of different verisons. Well there are. Here's a short list...human body, presidents, math, geography.... I've decided I'm going to buy some more! Here's one link I found. They are around $15.


Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Preach My Gospel,Lesson 5 Book of Mormon
Bible History: Jesus in the temple and Jesus is baptized
Literature: 2 chapters of Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis, finished.
Read-a-loud: 2 chapters of Fablehaven #3 by Brandon Mull
Family History: Life sketch of Eunice Lym Kimball my great grandmother by my grandmother
Music: Community Music Class
PE: Played in the snow for an hour.
Math Game: Played a Telling Time game
American History Game: I Love America Jingo. In order to get a picture on your bingo card you have to guess it from the clues. It covers history and geography. Great game. There is a whole Jingo series. I bought this at an educational store in Missouri so you would have to google it.
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Religion: Read in the Book of Mormon (she wanted me to add that she reads her scriptures every day).
Art: Helped me in the afternoon for three hours making some Christmas crafty presents with my friends. We have to do this one more day to finish them. I can't say what they are because two of the people who are getting these for Christmas will get this blog post in their e-mail box.
Math: Lesson 68
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Mad Libs Parts of Speech. Her new grammar program came in today. We'll see if we like this program better.
Free Reading: Over an hour of Work and the Glory #3 by Gerald Lund.

Math: Lesson 65
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Cursive R's
Free Reading/Religion: Over 30 min of The Book of Mormon Reader. He diligently reads this 3 times a day. Why I don't know. Every morning at 6 AM, after lunch and right before bed. He's our child that very much likes a routine.
American History: Finished Johnny Tremain on tape. He said he wants to listen to it again.

World History: 1 hour of Story of the World vol.1
Math: 1 Saxon Math Lesson
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Creative Writing/Typing/Computer: Worked on his story for at least an hour.

Caleb read some books. Colored. Did some more dot to dots. Caleb's just happy to be here. He really liked the games today. He's always the first one to volunteer to read during mom school. His reading is gaining by leaps and bounds.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Practiced the piano, did some crafty things that almost killed me as I strongly dislike crafts, and played for the community music class.
Alex: Served as temple ordinance worker, went to work, listened to a Louis L'Amour book.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5-read a section (I can't remember which one!)
Bible History: Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus flee to Egypt
Literature: 2 chapters from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
Read-a-loud: 2 chapters from Fablehaven #3 by Brandon Mull (so good!)
Memorization: Presidents of the USA (Olivia did them all right today. Jared and I can say them faster and faster. Luke is up to 15. And Caleb just says "Thomas Jefferson."), Books of the Old and New Testament and Books of the Book of Mormon
Family History: Life Sketch of Fredrick Clair Kimball by my great aunt Lenore Kimball Nitch
Music: Practiced the songs of the books of scripture to the piano. Listened to lots of Christmas music.
Geography: Middle East and the routes of the Jaredites and the Nephites according to the church approved scripture readers.
Science: Uranus
PE: Fun Physical Fitness CD (lasts around 25 min-very good exercise) and played in the snow for at least an hour all together, they also shoveled the walks.
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Religion: Marked all the Book of Mormon scripture mastery scriptures in her Book of Mormon
Music: Practiced some of her voice lesson. She's doing another vocal solo, this one is for the ward Christmas party.
Math: Lesson 67
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Mad Libs parts of speech
Science: She watched a Magic School Bus video
Free Reading: Over 2 hours from Work and the Glory #3
Life Skills: Saxaphash (main dish-think lasagna and spaghetti put together, family favorite) and dusting.

Music: Practiced his piano lesson and had his piano lesson
Science: Science experiment and two Magic School Bus videos. (Our library is well stocked).
Math: Lesson 64
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Free Reading: Over 30 min of The Book of Mormon Reader
Life Skills: Learned/saw how to blow out some water lines in the camper trailer with Alex.

World History: Listened to over an hour of Story of the World vol. 1. I think he has the entire book memorized. I'm not even kidding. As Caleb would say, "for reals."
Science: Science Experiment and two Magic School Bus Videos.
Math: 1 Saxon Math 2 lesson
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: Over 5 pages of Explode the Code
Music: Practiced the piano and had a piano lesson
Creative Writing/Spelling/Computers/Typing: He's worked on his story for several hours today. He was up at 6:30 AM typing away. Every once in a while he'll call out a word he want us to help him spell. He asked me the other day this question, "Mom, I'm a monotheist. So is it appropriate to write a polytheist book?" He's 7.
Reading: Read him 5 picture books.

Math: Over 7 dot to dots. He counted to 100 for me.
Reading: Read part of Fox in Socks to me. Also I read him 5 picture books.
Science: Science Experiment and two Magic School Bus Videos.
Life Skills: Cleaning toilets
Caleb enjoyed a happy day of solid core! Lots of imaginative play.

Family (in the evening):
Family Home Evening: Signs of Jesus' birth in America
Played Phase 10
Luke 6

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Did housework, read for 30 min, practiced the piano, wrote a blog article, did a curriculum review...
Alex:Went to work.

Fun Physical Fitness

We bought the book "Fun Physical Fitness" that came with a CD from Latter-day Family Resources about 5 years ago. (They are currently not selling them though. I'd check other on-line catologs). The CD is filled with fun music and the book describes the specific actions you are suppose to do with the music. Our children have always enjoyed doing this. The first part lasts about 25 min (I should time it). It is good exercise. I get tired and sore when I do it. It has a lot of stretching and some exercises to gain strength in major muscle areas. It's not to hard that little kids can't do it, but still hard enough it works the mama!

The only complaint we have with this is that it takes quite a bit of listening to the CD to figure out the actions. The words are only written down in the book and are not sung to the CD music so we've actually made up our own version on some parts.

We do recommend this program especially for snowy and cold days when you can't get outside.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

12/12/08: Busy Day

Today was a busy and fun day! We went to "town" and did all sorts of things.

We went Christmas Shopping. We even went to the mall. We rarely go there.
We went to the library and came out with a haul.
We went grocery shopping. And every other kind of shopping you can think of.
We went to a pizza buffet.
We went to the junior college's presentation of A Christmas Carol. The kids LOVED this.


Today none us had much ambition. Some of us had the stomach flu. We were all so tired today...

Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Conference Talk about the Book of Mormon
Bible History: The Three Wise Men
American History: Book about the First Thanksgiving that had finally come in from the library. We also read The Boston Tea Party by Steven Kroll
Literature: 1 chapter from Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis
Memorization: Presidents of the USA, Books of the New Testament and Books of the Book of Mormon
Science: A Magic School Bus book about hurricanes and watched a Magic School Bus video, read books about sharks, coral reefs, penguins, dinosaur bones and woolly mammoths.
PE: Went on a 30 min walk (Alex came also)
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.
Social: Friend played for 3 hours

History: Personal reading about Sutter's Mill and the Donner party and read a colonial book from the library.
Science: Read a Magic School Bus book

Science: Read a Magic School Bus book
Book on Tape: Listened to Johnny Tremain for 3 hours
Reading: Read for 1 hour from The Book of Mormon Reader

Creative Writing/Typing: Worked on a story on the computer for over two hours
Free Reading: Read for 3 hours
Book on Tape: Listened to a CD/picture book Puff the Magic Dragon several times

Phonics/Handwriting: Over 10 pages in Explode the Code
Writing: Wrote in a notebook and drew pictures several times
Logic: Put together several puzzles a couple of times
Reading: Looked at several books throughout the day

Family (in the evening):
Luke 4

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Read 1 hour
Alex: Went to work and listened to a Louis L'Amour on tape

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

12/10/08: Caleb's home

Caleb's home now! How sweet it is (and amazingly chaotic)! Life can go on now for us. Hopefully the public school phase is over for us now for forever or at least a very long time. Jared's only remark was, "Oh good, now we can read Fablehaven during the day."

Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5, part 3: The Bible testifies of the Book of Mormon
Bible History: Baby Jesus is born
American History Literature: 10 chapters (and finished) Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Literature: 2 chapters of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
Read-a-loud: 2 chapters from Fablehaven #3 by Brandon Mull
Memorization: All the Presidents of the USA, Books of the New and Old Testament, Books of the Book of Mormon and the Latter-day Prophets
Family History: Biography of James Barton Hancock by Leonard Hancock
Music: Lots of Christmas music on Records-they can't listen, sing and dance to these enough. They are definitely learning all the oldie but goodie Christmas songs.
Science: Jupiter's Moons, Saturn and Saturn's moon Titus AND 1 Magic School Bus video
PE: 40 min walk
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Art: Painted a wooden mirror from the craft store
Math: Lesson 66
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Mad Libs: Parts of Speech
Life Skills: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Creative Expression: Olivia, Luke and Caleb made up and practiced (a lot) actions and dancing that go with the song "The 12 Days of Christmas." In fact on the 10 lords a leaping for some reason they thought it was 10 vipers viping (?) and so they practiced "viping" each other by pretending they were biting each other. It was pretty hysterical.
Social: Friends for 2 hours

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Science: Watched one extra Magic School Bus science video
Math: Lesson 63
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Reading: 45 min of The Book of Mormon Reader
Creative Expression: He's made up and practiced (a lot) actions and dancing that go with the song "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." The other 3 helped him with one part of his song.

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Science: Listened to The Magic School Bus: Wet All Over
Art: Followed the directions in a how-to drawing book
Math: Two Saxon 2 Math lessons
Games/Math Drill: Played an additional game with Caleb and I
Spelling: 1 drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages in Explode the Code
Handwriting: Wrote out the "orders" for everyone for dinner. This was quite a descriptive list and he worked on it for quite a while.
Creative Writing/Typing: Working on another story on the computer
Free Reading: 1 hour-finished The Robinson Cruosoe Reader and started The Magic Tree House #2: The Knights at Dawn
Social: 2 hours
Creative Expression: Olivia, Luke and Caleb made up and practiced (a lot) actions and dancing that go with the song "12 Days of Christmas"

Math: I read 2 math picture books to him (see goodreads)
Math Game: Played an addition game with Luke and I
Logic: Did several 25 piece puzzles and helped me with the 1,000 piece Christmas puzzle also played with foam pattern blocks and made the pre-designed shapes
Reading: I read to him for 45 min (besides the 3 hours of mom school)
Phonics/Handwriting: 2 1/2 pages from Explode the Code
Handwriting: Wrote in his note books various things throughout the day.
Science: I read a Magic School Bus Science book to him and another book about sponges
Social: 2 hours
Creative Expression: Olivia, Luke and Caleb made up and practiced (a lot) actions and dancing that go with the song "12 Days of Christmas"

Family (in the evening):
Luke 3
Jared "performed his song"
Olivia and Caleb "performed their song," Luke opted out at the last minute
Watched the movie Miracle on 34th Street we have never seen it.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: 1 spell drill, Goodreads reviews, helped as the "unofficial" asst. den mother and attended Young Women's
Alex: Took his college final, went to work, 2 hours of a Louis L'Amour book

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12/09/08:Read, Read, Read

Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5, part 2
American History Literature: 5 chapters from Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Literature: 2 chapters from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis
Read-a-loud: 2 chapters from Fablehaven #3 by Brandon Mull
Memorization: All the Presidents of the USA, Books of the Old and New Testament as well as the books of the Book of Mormon
Music: Community Music class today (all four participated today)
Science: Jupiter
PE: Went on a 40 min walk
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Music: Had her voice lesson
Math: Lesson 65
Logic: 2 hours of a 1,000 piece Christmas puzzle
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Wrote out some invitations
Language Arts: Mad Libs parts of speech
Free Reading: 1 hour of Work and the Glory #3 and The Book of Mormon (she's in Alma)
Life Skills: Tuna Helper

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Math: Lesson 61
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Cursive Q's
Free Reading: 1 hour + of The Book of Mormon Reader
Life Skills: Macaroni and Cheese

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Science: Read a Magic School Bus book
Art: Made some Christmas decorations
Math: 1 Saxon Math Lesson
Spelling: 2 spell drills
Phonics/Handwriting: 4 pages of Explode the Code 1
Free Reading: 3+ hours (yes he did) of The Robinson Crusoe Reader

Reading: Read 30 min from the McGuffey Primer and he finished his other reader
Math: 15 min on the Math Shark doing addition
Logic: Worked on several puzzles and played some matching games
Handwriting: Wrote some lists of different things for Christmas

Family (in the evening):
Luke 1
Christmas music from the old records

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Piano, spell drill, taught a piano lesson, played the piano for the community music class, read 2 hours and worked on the Christmas puzzle with Olivia
Alex: Worked as an ordinance worker in the temple, went to work, studied for his final (tomorrow!), read parts of The Millionaire Next Door, did a Suduko puzzle and listened to some Economics Cd's and some Louis L'Amour while driving hither and thither.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Theology: Preach My Gospel Chapter 5: "The Book of Mormon the Keystone of Our Religion."
Bible History: The angel comes to Mary
American History Literature: 5 chapters from Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Literature: 3 chapters from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
Character Read-a-loud: 1 Chapter from Little Britches by Ralph Moody
Memorization: All the presidents of the USA, Books of the Old and New Testament, Books of the Book of Mormon and Latter-day Prophets
Family History: Memories of Harris Hancock by Bart Hancock
Science Biography: 5 pages from Thomas Edison His Life and Ideas
World History: Chapter 9 Story of the World vol. 2 by Susan Wise Bauer "Australia and New Zealand"
Geography: Australia, New Zealand and Polynesian Islands
Science: Asteroid Belt
Science Experiment: Touchable Bubbles and Jelly Crystals
PE: 40 min walk
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Music: Practiced voice lesson
Math: Lesson 64
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Parts of speech: Mad Libs
Life Skills: German Sugar Cookies, decorator's frosting and Porcupine Balls (main dish)
Writing/Computers/Typing: Blogging and Goodreads book reviews
Writing: Christmas Cards

Music: Practiced his piano lesson and had a piano lesson
Science: 30 min Snap Circuits, Jr. and 2 Magic School Bus Books
Math: Lesson 61
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages of Explode the Code
Free Reading: 1 hour of The Book of Mormon Reader
Book on Tape: 1 1/2 hours Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes (he wants to listen to it now that we are almost done reading it)

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Math: 1 Saxon Math 2 lesson
Math Drill: 15 min Math Shark
Spelling: 2 spell drills
Phonics/Handwriting: 7 pages of Explode the Code
Free Reading: 15 min of Book of Mormon Reader
Life Skills: Peeling Potatoes
Science: 1 hour of Snap Circuits, Jr and one Magic School Bus book

Went to public School
Reading 30 minutes

Family (in the evening):
Family Home Evening: Christmas Tree and House Decorating
Decorated Sugar Cookies
Oldies Christmas Music on Records
Luke 2

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Piano, spell drill, and Sudoku Puzzle
Alex: Went to work and working on Closing of the American Bloom by Bloom

Friday, December 5, 2008

Explode the Code

The Explode the Code series is a great phonics and handwriting program. The reason I like it is because not only are the children learning phonics in a systematic order but they are also practicing their handwriting skills. It's a two for one! There are 3 primer books (called A, B, C) and 8 regular workbooks. It is very straightforward and fun to do. This program is available through most major online homeschooling resource sites. (,, etc)

My kids have all really enjoyed going through this series. They have always looked forward to doing it. They love doing lots of pages in it daily. We wish they had a grammar program.

Our family recommends this phonics and handwriting program. It's the best one we have seen!

Luke quote

When we were saying good night to Luke last night he said he was so excited for tomorrow to start so he good get right back to learning. I'm glad he likes being homeschooled!

12/05/08:Regular Day

Mom School
Pray and Pledge
Elder Worthlin's Conference Talk
Bible History: Zacharias and Elizabeth
Friend Article
American History Literature: 5 chapters of Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Literature: 1 chapter from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
Read-a-loud: 1 chapter from Little Britches by Ralph Moody
Memorization: All the Presidents of the USA (Luke is on the first 10), Books of the Old Testament (just starting this), Books of the New Testament and Books of the Book of Mormon
Family History: Tribute to Harris Hancock (my g uncle) by my grandparents
Music: Learning the Books of the Old Testament to music
Science Biography: Chapter 3 in Thomas Edison His Life and Ideas
World History: Chapter 9 from Story of the World vol. 2 by Susan Wise Bauer
Science: Mars
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Family History: Read for a while out of a "Sutter Family" generically generated book.
Music: Practiced her voice lesson
Science: Read Chapter 2 in a High School Biology book. To bad she doesn't want to do science everyday. (haha)
Math: Lesson 63
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Parts of speech: 1 Mad Libs
Free Reading: 2 hours Work and the Glory #3
Computers/Typing: American Girls Felicity on line games
PE: Ran 1 mile on the treadmill

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Math: Lesson 59
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Cursive P's
Reading: Read 1 hour in the Book of Mormon Reader
Life Skills: Macaroni and Cheese
PE: 30 min of cardio

Music: Had piano lessons and practiced the piano
Math: 1 Saxon 2 lesson
Spelling: 3 spell drills
Phonics/Handwriting: 7 pages in Explode the Code
Reading: Reading to me in the McGuffy Second Grade Reader and The Book of Mormon Reader

Went to public school

Family (in the evening):
Pet Care:
Babysitting Foxy Roxy again and doing chores out at our cousins for the weekend

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: 1 spell drill, Read 2 hours in The Naked Communist and Lord of the Rings, and wrote a Book Review on Goodreads
Alex: Went to work, studied for his college final and finished Sackett Land by Louis L'Amour
The Naked Communist The'>">The Naked Communist by">W. Cleon Skousen


My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
I LOVED this book! I took my sweet time reading it and soaked up every word. This book reviews the history of communism from its rise with Marx until 1960. The only bad thing is that I would love to read "the rest of the story," meaning through to the present.

This book was extremely eye opening in regard to how communism was spread. It was frustrating reading about the lacsidasical attitude of government officials world wide who had blinders on and let the USSR run wild at the close of WWII. They never believed that the Russians were really "that bad." It was also interesting that while the world sat back and watched LDS church leaders like President Benson, J. Rueben Clark and David O. McKay were declaring from the pulpits for all to realize that communism was seeking to destroy our liberty. I wonder how many were listening? Is my family listening now?

Here are some quotes just so you know...

“The paths we are following, if we move forward thereon, will inevitably lead us to socialism or communism, and these two are as like as two peas in a pod in their ultimate effect upon our
liberties......We may first observe that communism and socialism—
which we shall hereafter group together and dub Satanism—cannot live with Christianity nor with any religion that postulates a creator.”
J. Rueben Clark Deseret News—September 25, 1949

"During the first half of the twentieth century we have traveled far into the soul-destroying land of socialism." Pres. McKay, Deseret News Oct. 18, 1952

“The aim and purpose...was then and is now world socialism, which communism seeks to achieve through revolution and which socialists seek to achieve through evolution.” Pres. Benson Oct. 1961-General Conference

Anyway...My edition was published in 1961. Here are a sampling of some of the communist goals at that time that I thought were still interesting nearly 50 years later... (see "Witness" by Whittaker Chambers also these lists are found from pages 259-262 in the book).

*Capture one or both of the political parties in the US.

*Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

*Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

*Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

*Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

*Break down cultural standards of morality be promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.

*Present homo-sexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

*Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

*Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture-education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics,etc

*Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

*Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Okay, so that was only about 1/3 of them. I realize there may be some anti-communist propaganda involved with this book. However, with LDS church leaders crying out against communism I guess that's okay.

I believe that our nation is in jeopardy of being over ran with socialism. Socialism is just another face to communism. I believe that it is important to study these things so you can recognize fallacy in the political machines of our age.

The reason I read this book was because it was suggested by then President of the Church, David O. McKay, during General Conference of Oct. 1959. (I couldn't find this talk on line, but I did find numerous! on-line references to the talk Pres. McKay gave calling church members to read the book).

Here's a link to an article about Skousen writing the book. http://www.latterdayconservati...

It was interesting to learn that Pres. Monson was actually involved in the initial publishing of this book...

View'>">View all my reviews.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

12/04/08: Spelling anyone?

Mom School
Core Phase-D&C 88:118-126
American History Literature: 3 chapters from Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Literature: 1 chapter from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis
Read-a-loud: 1 chapter from Little Britches by Ralph Moody
Memorization: Presidents of the USA: Jared and I know all of them, Olivia is almost there and Luke just is starting and is on the first 8. Books of the New Testament and Books of the Book of Mormon
Family History: Biography of Helen Hancock by Harris Hancock (my ggrandmother)
Science Biography: Chapter 2 of Thomas Edison: His Life and Ideas by Laurie Winn Carlson
World History: Chapter 8 of Story of the World vol. 2 by Susan Wise Bauer
Science: Planet Earth and the Moon
Life Skills: Family Councils to brainstorm
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Music: Practiced her voice lesson.
Free Reading/Science: Read Chapter 1 of a High School Biology Book. She repeated back to me to me what she had learned. She said she just was interested in learning some Biology. Okay.
Art: 1 hour coloring/drawing/paper boxes...
Math: Lesson 62
Language Arts: Parts of Speech: 1 Mad Libs
Life Skills: Aunt Joyce's famous Buttermilk Syrup
Computers/Typing: American Girls Website-games and quiz's

Music: Practiced his piano lesson
Art/Science: Drew out "blueprints" for several "inventions" he hopes to create when he is older.
Math: Lesson 58
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Reading: 30 minutes of reading from The Book of Mormon Reader and the McGuffy 3rd Reader
Life Skills: Swedish pancakes
Book on Tape/Science: Re-listened to the 2 hour dramatized version of Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne

Math: 3 lessons from Saxon 2
Spelling: 10 spelling drills!!!
Handwriting/Phonics: 5 pages from Explode the Code
Logic: 1 hour of Lego's and played with the connector blocks
Reading: The Book of Mormon Reader
PE: Karate

Went to Public School

PE: Star Wars Jedi Training. This involves some serious physical exertion.
Went to the town library.
Mark 14

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Read 2 hours in The Naked Communist (I LOVE this book), 1 spell drill, (alas no piano today besides Oliva's voice practice), chores, went to the Relief Society Christmas Party,
Alex: Went to Work (long day to Boise), finished Ender's Game, working on Sackett's Land by Louis L'Amour, studied for his college final

Mom School Meeting

Today I had a little heart to heart with the children as we started our Mom School. I talked to them about what I expected out of our core phase children (as well as all of them). I had realized that I had never clearly defined my expectations. They were not anything new, but just having a conversation about it was important for them. My younger two looked at me and said, "What's core phase?" Huh? What? I guess we haven't talked about it in a while. Our family's list of core phase "requirements" (or expectations) is found in our core book in the D&C 88 (out of our core book). Of course these are expectations for over their lifetime. But it's a base for them to come back to throughout their life... (Please remember this is the "gospel" according to Deanna).

Core phase (from the Thomas Jefferson Educational model aka TJED) can be summarized as a stage (around 0-8/10ish) were the most important "lessons" the children focuses on are true/false, good/bad and right/wrong. An understanding of appropriate behavior and the demonstration of this behavior is the most important training. Also within this stage the basic skills of the 3 R's are taught: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

I also asked them if I was reading to much to them or things they didn't want to hear about anymore. (They've always picked most of the books). Olivia and Luke said that while they liked science they didn't want to do it everyday. Jared said he didn't want to hear about history everyday. Jared wants to hear about Science everyday. Olivia wants to read family history and general history everyday. Luke wants to read history and stories (like Narnia) everyday. Ha! So we talked about missions in life a little bit. I pointed out that Jared's mission in life will most likely involve a heavy amount of Math and Science (this is no surprise to anyone as we talk about everyday). So it was important that we spend a little time every day on Science for Jared. Luke is probably going to grow up and be an author and so he needs the history and the stories to generate ideas and fill his head. That's important for his mission. Family is very important to Olivia (she's set a goal to memorize her personal pedigree chart) and so we need to read that also. They readily agreed they would be more than willing to continue learning about the subjects they were not as interested in for the sake of their siblings. In the end the only thing they wanted changed was that they want our character book switched every other day with the Children's Friend. Laugh out loud! They love hearing me read to them! Yeah! Today our Mom School lasted three hours and they were just as happy as can be.

I also talked about the three languages that were important to us that they learned well. 1. Language of English (self-explanatory) 2. Language of Math (besides the obvious reasons I believe that Math teaches you the skill of problem solving which transfers over to reading were you can following logic and the line of thoughts of others) and 3. Language of Music (Music is full of patterns if you look. Learning Music will improve your Math skills. Really. Trust me). I told them of course it would be wonderful if we could learn Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Sign Language, but for now these top three were what I felt were the most important languages for our family.

Giving your kids knowledge empowers them to make their own personal "right" choices. And quotes from the "good books" seals the authority. We are blessed with wonderful children. They work hard to be good. I am proud of their choices each day to improve and learn. They motivate us.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

12/03/08: Help

We needed to help a friend last minute that had had a baby and there had been complications. We missed all of our free time-the structure time not content part- and the kids missed scouts and activity days. It was a good opportunity to remind the kids that service trumps everything including Reading and Math!

Mom School
Theology: Preach My Gospel, chapter 4 review section
Bible History: Jonah
Friend Article
American History Literature: 2 chapters from Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Literature: 1 chapter from Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis
Character: 1 story from A Story to Tell by Deseret Book
Read-a-loud: 1 chapter from Little Britches by Ralph Moody
Science Biography: Finished chapter 1 of Thomas Edison for Kids: His Life and Ideas by Laurie Winn Carlson
World History: Chapter 7 from Story of the World vol. 2 by Susan Wise Bauer
Book on Tape: We listened to a 2 hour dramatized version of Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne while we were driving to help our friend.
Life Skills: Helping others
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Art: One hour of creating again with scissors and paper.
Math: Lesson 61
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Parts of Speech-2 Mad Libs

Math: Lesson 58
Science: 30 min Magic School Bus video

Spelling: 1 spell drill
Math: 2 lessons from Saxon 2
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code
Reading: Read out of his Book of Mormon Reader for 30 minutes

Drove me crazy
Science: 30 min Magic School Bus video

Family (in the evening):
Watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (they've never seen it)
Mark 13

To Show Parent Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Reading-2 hours of The Naked Communist, Helped a friend, Attended Young Women's
Alex: Went to work, Worked on his class, Listened to Ender's Game, Read some in Blink by Malcom Gladwell

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Family Home Evening

I thought I'd comment on our Family Home Evenings. Every Monday night we gather for an EVENING (not just for a lesson) of family time. I know everyone out there does it different. Here's what works for us. We've done this for a couple of years...

Bearing of Testimonies: Every week-Alex and I ALWAYS bear our testimonies and usually 3 out of the 4 kids will bear theirs.
Scripture share
Article of Faiths: Rotate monthly and then start again. We repeat and work on memorizing.
Character: We read a page out of either the book Uncommon Courtesy or 21 Rules of this House. We've gone through each book several times. Available from
Morals: Read a topic from For the Strength of Youth. We go through in order and then start over.
Proclamation: We read 1 paragraph or a portion of one from The Family: A Proclamation to the World. We repeat and work on memorizing.
Lesson: We usually base them off of a conference talk, a stake conference talk or something the Bishop wants us to be focusing on. We regularly have role plays with each lesson. At least whenever Alex is overseeing the lesson. (We rotate but when Olivia or Luke have the lesson he is assigned to help them. I help Jared and Caleb on their turn).
Activity: This ends up being anything and everything you can imagine. Last night it was star gazing. Lots of wrestling, pool playing, and family trampoline jumping.
Treats: Wish I could say they are always healthy. They aren't though.

There you have it. The life and times of the Sutter family on Monday night.

Saxon Math

We have only used Saxon 2 (2nd grade), 5/4, and 6/5. But we have 7/6, Algebra 1/2, and Algebra 2. We haven't used any other math programs so we can't compare. In our family we refer to Saxon math or curriculum math as "Newtonian math." Which just simply is a branch of math or the language of math.

As far as Saxon math goes it just works. We don't love it and we don't hate it. The kids are always willing and choose to do math everyday so it can't be to bad. We have continued to use it because it is what our kids were using in the public school. Saxon is very thorough. Almost to much so. It is highly repetitive. A good deal of the book is a review of the previous year's book. If your child is very math intelligent this may be to repetitious.

It is also all inclusive meaning that besides add/sub/mult/div the child also works on basic geometry, algebra, telling time, and measurement. I don't remember doing algebraic equations in elementary but these books are heavy into it by the 4th grade.

I think the reason they are so repetitive is that they are designed for public school. Last March when we pulled Olivia out of public school she was on lesson 47 out 142. While Olivia finished the book with me (we had to do a lot of Math) her fellow 4th graders did not. A couple of weeks ago the kids were talking to their friends. At the time Jared and Olivia were just starting the lessons in the 50's, but their friends were on lesson 20. Hmm... Now you know why they are so repetitive, the schools never get through them...

Okay, way of subject. We like them. We have them. If we could get our hands on Singapore (another famous math program) with out spending a lot of money we would probably switch. But free Math text books are good for now. (We had received them from previous homeschoolers).

Grade: B

McGuffy Readers

Ahhh the famous McGuffy Readers! Oh, how we love them so. These are a big hit in our family. Our kids get a kick out of reading these quaint little stories from pioneer days. I enjoy the morals and characters that most little stories try to present. Our kids enjoy looking at the picture that goes along with each story. We have never had a problem getting our kids to read them when we suggested it.

These readers start out at the most basic level however your child will need to be familiar with the alphabet as well as basic sounds. The readers progress fairly quickly. If you child is having a hard time learning to read I would suggest a couple months off and them coming back to them. This method as worked for our home. The words are repeated in the various stories as you keep going so the harder words will start sticking in your child's mind.

I do find that while I like the "sweet" little stories I found that some of the morals were presented in a somewhat passive aggressive way. While some behavior may be slightly outdated we did enjoy talking about how things were different back "in the olden days." There are also some words that are not commonly used now or have different meanings.

A definite score with our family.

Musical Noteboooks

Musical Notebooks is a CD of music with an accompanying book. The songs are designed to be a fun way to learn Patriotic facts, geography facts, anatomy, and many other things. I believe they were created by another home school family.

These are definitely home made jobies! The music is to high and often times you can't understand the words. We do not feel there are any songs to catchy tunes. These are available through and were over $20. For our family it was a BIG waste of money.

12/02/08: Community Music Class

Mom School
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Chapter 4: Recognizing the Holy Ghost, "A Word of Caution"
Bible History: Nehemiah rebuilds the temple walls
Friend Articles
American History Literature: 4 chapters from Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Literature: 1 chapter from Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis
Character: 1 story from A Story To Tell by Deseret Book
Read-a-loud: 3 chapters from The Hardy Boys #3
Memorization: All the Presidents of the USA
World History: Chapter 6 from The Story of the World vol. 2
Science: Mercury! And we read The Ocean Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Music: Had her voice lessons
Art: Spent 2 hours creating all sorts of things
Math: Lesson 59 and 60
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Parts of speech (Mad Libs)
Life Skills: Homemade butter
Computers/Typing: Online American Girls Felicity games

Music: Practiced the piano
Biography/Science: Thomas Edison For Kids: His Life and Ideas by Laurie Carlson
Biography/American History: 3o min Abraham Lincoln video
Science: Prisms and light
Math: Lesson 57
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Cursive N's
Logic: Legos for 1 hour

Math: 2 lessons
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics: 10 pages from Explode the Code
Biography/Science: Thomas Edison For Kids: His Life and Ideas by Laurie Carlson
Biography/American History: 3o min Abraham Lincoln video
Reading: 30 minutes from The Book of Mormon Reader

Went to Public School
He read to me and I read to him

Family (in the evening):
Music: We all participated in the community music class (this was in the late afternoon though). They worked on singing and their recorders.
PE: Sparing and Karate with Alex
Science: National Geographic 3D Adventure Projector: Planets
Classical Music: I wanted to also say that Alex always has some classical music playing in the background when he's studying or working.

To Show Parent Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Spell drill
Several blog posts (writing)
Goodreads reviews (writing)
Read 1 hour
Taught a piano lesson
Played the piano for the community music class

Worked at the temple as a Temple Ordinance Worker
Went to Work
Attended his Professional Organization's monthly meeting
Working on Ender's Game
Studying for his final for his college class

Story of the World

Our family loves the Story of the World series! These books are written by Susan Wise Bauer. They are world history books written to be understood by 5-12 year olds. There are four volumes to this series.

The books are written in story form so they are fun to listen/read. The author highlights the major events in history. She also covers often forgotten places and times in history such as India and China. The world religions are also covered. Mrs. Bauer does not give her opinions, she only gives the history. The book would not serve as a review of Christianity, although Old Testament prophets are discussed. Your child will learn things like who settled Asia Minor, how Alexander the Great died, who made the pyramids, who brought Christianity to the Celts, how the Roman empire collapsed, who was Mohammed and much more. I love reading these books to them.

In addition to the books you are also able to buy study guides. These study guides are filled with activities that correspond with each chapter. For example there are maps to learn from and pictures to color. There are also study questions, narration helps (for you Charlotte Mason people) and references for additional books. We have found that our family doesn't use the activity books. They are certainly fun and I do recommend them-we just haven't used ours much. (That could be due to the fact that I'm a reader and not a doer. I don't believe it's any reflection on the activity books. They really are great workbooks!)

You are also able to purchase the audio CD's of the book. We have found that this is a must-have investment for our home. Our kids have listened to the CD's over and over. They listen to them in the car, at night or when they are playing legos. Because the books are so interesting they will keep listening to them. This has solidified their retention and comprehension of the history.
We find this a perfect overview for the elementary years of world history. From there you can branch off with the great literature she recommends in her activity books that give more insight into that time period. She has also starting writting the series in the same format at an adult level. I have not read those yet, but I will!

We highly recommend!

Curriculum Review

I have had a lot of hits to my blog about various curriculum. I decided to write reviews on all of the resources I've used and why I have liked them or not liked them. So stay tuned...

Monday, December 1, 2008

12/01/08: Luke's home!

Luke's home for good now! We are all SOOO excited. He's wanted to come home for so long. He's never wanted to even go to school to begin with. The time was just finally right and the "yes" answer finally came. We were gone for 2 hours because we had to drive a friend to go and get her truck. We had a super fun day!

Mom School
Theology: Preach My Gospel, chapter 5: Following the Spirit
Bible History: Return of the Jews
Friend Articles
American History Literature: 1 chapter from Johnny Tremain by Ester Forbes
Character: 1 story from A Story to Tell by Deseret Book
Read-a-loud: 4 chapters from The Hardy Boys #3
Memorization: All the presidents of the USA, Books of the Book of Mormon, and Books of the New Testament
Family History: The biography of James Lick Hancock (my GGrandfather) by Harris Hancock, my great uncle.
World History: Chapter 5 from Story of the World vol. 2: The Middle Ages by Susan Wise Bauer
Science: The Sun! We also read The Magic School Bus Gets Baked in a Cake: A Book about Kitchen Chemistry
Science Experiment: White Light and prisms
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.
Music: She Practiced her voice lesson.
Art: Spent 1 hour on drawing, coloring and design.
Math: Lesson 58
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Past tense verbs
Life Skills: Lemon Squares and Homemade Lemonade

Music: Had piano lessons
Science: Put his mobile planet/star system together that he got for his birthday. He also watched a Magic School Bus Science video.
Math: Lesson 56
Math Drill: Sudoku puzzle-9 number
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code
PE: Scooter Ride

Math: Did 4 lessons from Saxon 2
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code
Reading: Read to me for 30 minutes from The Book of Mormon Reader Retold by Jolynne Berrett Stapp
Writing: Worked on a story for 30 minutes

Went to public school
Read to me

Family (in the evening):
Family Home Evening: Member Missionary Work
Star gazing

To Show Parent Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Piano, spell drill, read 1 hour, helped a friend
Alex: Went to work and worked on his college class