Monday, October 27, 2008

10/27/08: We met the Governor

Today we went on a field trip to a Republican Rally and we met the Governor of Idaho. Very fun. We had Mom/Dad school in the 2 hour car ride.

Mom and Dad School
Pray/Pledge They were asked to lead the Pledge at the rally.
Theology: Preach My Gospel, Lesson 5: Priesthood and Auxiliary Organizations
Bible History: Joash is anointed King
Friend Article
Biography/American History:
4 chapters of Paul Revere: Boston Patriot by Augusta Stevenson of the Childhood of Famous Americans Series. Finished.
Fairy Tales/Fables: 1 story from A Story To Tell: The Classic Book of Virtues for Children from Dessert Book
Spanish: Alex taught them how to pronounce Spanish words and the Spanish Alphabet for 45 minutes.
Memorization: First 12 Presidents of the USA, Books of the New Testament and Books of the Book of Mormon
Government: Attended a Republican Rally and heard several speakers including Governor Otter
Part of our family with Governor Butch Otter of Idaho.
Art: Carving pumpkins
Life Skills: A man from India came and personally talked to the kids at the rally about his story coming from India and making his fortune in the USA. He told the kids they had to remember its the stuff between your ears that gets you the things you need and want. He was very kind.
Reading: We take turns reading all of the above material everyday.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.

Music: Practiced the piano
Math: Lesson 41
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Sentences
Creative Writing: Wrote a poem backwards (like Leonardo Da Vinci) All Love of Learning

Music: Had his piano lesson today
Math: Lesson 41
Math Drill: Multiplication Wrap-ups: 9's
Logic: Put together a glow in the dark skeleton puzzle
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Handwriting: Cursive G's
Creative Writing: Wrote a short creative story. All on his own accord-Love of Learning
Computers/Typing: Typed a creative story he's been working on

Family Home Evening: Pumpkin Carving

Chores including mucking stalls
Babysitting Roxy
PE: Alex spent 30 minutes teaching them Karate and self defense moves
Babysat and played with our 3 cousins for 3 hours (Social)

To Show Parent Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Good Reads book reviews
2 hours reading

Taught seminary
Worked on the playhouse
Hung up canidate signs for the House position
He is currently serving as the vice-chair of the Republic Party for our District (I guess I can know he's doing a good job when the people running for office mention my husband in thanks when they are giving their speech at the rally).

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