Thursday, November 13, 2008

11/13/08: Bowling

The Book of the Lamentations of Deanna: I am not well again today, I feel much worse. Oh, well. The kids wanted to do more school, but the following was all I could muster. I'm posting this early. We haven't done the swimming, bowling or book on tape yet, but they are coming.... Olivia did some laundry for me and Jared made me lunch. They are so nice to me.

2 conference talks by Elder Cook and Pres Monson
Memorization: First 30 Presidents of the USA (They are passing me up! They are learning them faster than me now).
World History Literature: 4 chapters of The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt By Day by Scott O'Dell. Finished! (William Tyndale)
Science: Watched a Eyewitness Dinosaur video
Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.
Social: We have a friend/cousin playing and visiting until Saturday.
Book on Tape: Listened to a Book on Tape for 3+ Hours


Becca said...

Ah, I love it! THEY wanted to do more school!! You are doing something right!!

I am sorry you are feeling sick!!! I hope you get better soon!

Becca said...

I think my spam got ahold of your email. I need your email address so I can email you this email from the TJED blog. Could you try emailing me again?