Friday, March 6, 2009

03/06/09 (Fri): Strong finish to the week.

Mom School
Song: My Eternal Family
Theology: Chapter 20-Baptism, from Gospel Principles
Book of Mormon Stories: Nephi gets the plates from Laban
Friend Article
Biography/American History: Read 2 chapters from Andrew Jackson: Young Patriot by George Edward Stanley
Fairy Tales: "Bob White and The Farmer Man" from Once Upon a Time Tales Retold by Wallace Wadsworth
Greek Myths: Read the stories of "The Adventures of Perseus," "The Chariot of the Sun," "The Adventures of Odysseus," Theseus and the Minotaur," "Pygmalion and His Wife," and " Eros and Psyche." We finished Usborne's Greek Myths by Heather Amery.
Memorization: The 50 states of the union alphabetically.
Family History: We read a biography of Serena Barton Hancock.
Geography: South Carolina (where Andrew Jackson was born).
Science: We finished chapter 3 from Kingfisher's Science Encyclopedia.
Health: Read chapter 7: Sugar Drinks from Eat Well and Keep Moving by Lilian Cheung.
Science Experiment: We did activity 1 from Animal Observatory of a Delta Science Kit.
Science/Pet Care: Jared and Olivia each have a hamster that they are responsible for. They also take turns caring for our dog, cat and sea monkeys.
Movie: The kids and I watched the movie, "The Seeker," that we had borrowed from the library.

Religion: Read a chapter in The Book of Mormon.
Music: Practiced singing for 30 min of various Broadway songs.
Geography: Did a geography lesson about longitude and latitudinal lines.
Math: Lesson 109 in Saxon Math 6/5.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Language Arts: Verbs
Creative Writing/Typing: Started a story about an Indian in the early 1800's.
Vocabulary: Peterson's Word of the Day- Capricious
Vocabulary/Language Usage: Took a Greek root words test.
Idaho History: Read Ida Visits the Capital by Lori Otter, the book she was awarded for her singing last weekend.
Life Skills: Organized a movie party for the family. We had tickets, treats and a check-in booth.
Business/Computers/Typing: Filled out pretend invoices again.

Religion: Read a chapter in The New Testament Reader.
Music: Practiced his piano lesson and did a music theory assignment.
Math: Did a lesson in Singapore 3B.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code 5.
Free Reading: Read Stars Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith for two hours.
Creative Play: Lego's

Religion: Read a chapter in his Book of Mormon Reader.
Music: Practiced his piano.
Geography: Map Reading & North, South, East and West
Math: Did a Saxon Math 2 lesson.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code 4.
Creative Writing: Did a creative writing lesson-categorizing-from Let's Write 2.
Free Reading: Read a chapter in a Magic School Bus Science book about sharks.
Creative Play: Lego's

Geography: Compass and Compass Rose
Math: Right Start Math lesson.
Spelling: 1 spell drill
Phonics/Handwriting: 5 pages from Explode the Code 2.
Writing: Made a list of things in his neighborhood.
Reading: Sight words, read a phonics reader and read 4 lessons out of the McGuffy Primer to me.
Computers/Typing: Played the Dora the Explorer computer game for an hour.

Family (in the evening):
Music: Watched a taped episode of American Idol.
Woodworking: Worked on their pinewood derby cars. The activity girls are also doing cars this year. So three of the kids get to do them. They are excited.

To Show Parent Core/Love of Learner/Scholar here are some things we modeled to the children today...
Deanna: Scriptures, journal, spell drill, word of the day, researched the Greek books we need for our new Greek course we are starting next week (Alex and I) and worked on a lesson from my BYU Geography class.
Alex: Scriptures, word of the day, went to work, trained someone for 5 hours in the things he learned this past week, listened to The Iliad for 3 hours while driving.

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