Friday, February 26, 2010

Week in Review

Family Scripture: 2 Nephi 14-18
Weekly Scripture Memorization: 3 Nephi 13:33
Theology: Several chapters in Gospel Principles.
Discussion Question: What were the causes of the Civil War
Family Read: We read 1/2 of Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse.
PE: Played Wii Fit and Basketball.
Music: Piano lessons and daily piano practice.
FHE: Gratitude and the 10 Lepers.
Club: Had Cub Scout Pack Meeting.
Social: Played with friends three different time.
Goals: Weekly Goal Planning Session Held.

Caleb: Focused on reading and doing chores. We are seeing success with each family member spending time reading to him everyday. Caleb worked on two digit math addition and subtraction.

Focused on fluency in reading. Reading Ranger's Apprentice. He spent time on multiplication work.

We also had to rewind and work on some core behavior things again. Reading Peter and the Shadow Thieves. Is reading fluency is really taking off!

Continues to focus on Revolutionary War. She is now reading 1776 and The Scarlet Letter. She wrote several papers on American History. She attended two scholar classes. She also read the Princess and the Goblin.

Deanna: Read Libation Bearers by Aeschylus. Read 1/2 of Inteligro Math. Read 1/2 of Approaching Zion. Had meeting with mentor.

Alex: Alex worked a lot and successfully watched a lot of Olympics. I think his brain needed a break!

1 comment:

Celeste B. said...

I like your Week in Review. It is so fun to see the progress each of our children take.

I wish I had the Olympics to watch...we don't have TV and rabbit ears would not get that station. :-( the mountain is in the way.