Wednesday, February 11, 2009

02/11/09: Paint

Today we were kicked out of our house so it could be painted. So went to town and did other things....
  • Picked out and ordered carpet.
  • Bought a new upright freezer.
  • Practiced 30 Spanish words on the children's menu at a Mexican restaurant. Good thing Alex knows how to speak Spanish, because I was messing up the pronunciations.
  • Listened to Story of the World vol. 2 for two hours. (To town and back).
  • I was pulled over for the first time in my entire life. (See family blog post).
  • Went to scouts.
  • Had cousins over after scouts for a couple of hours. The painter had left. (She's really a family friend. I shouldn't refer to her as the "painter").
  • Alex and I put the Mud Room and the Kitchen back together. (Almost, except the food storage).
  • Olivia rode the horse with Alex.
  • I read 1/2 chapter out of The Iliad by Homer.
  • The boys bought new Lego's in town with their saved up money. They've spent all evening working on them. Jared's was a 650 piece one and Luke's was a 450 piece one.
  • Oh, and yesterday Olivia measured the house with Alex and he had her figure out the square feet so we knew how much carpet to order.

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